Low Hanging, Popping, Bursting, Inside

Low Hanging, Popping, Bursting, Inside

Art image of avocado growing on a branch.

Art image of peas in a pod.

Art image of pomegranate seeds

Art image of a papaya half.

Helen Gwyn Jones started recording her world at the age of 8 when she bought a Brownie camera from her sister, something which has become a lifelong passion.  A collector of the past (hers and other people’s), she likes nothing better than muted images of imperfection.  May be found poring over Welsh grammar books when not photographing drains or going into raptures over rust.  Recently published at Acropolis, Paddler Press, Pareidolia Literary, Blink Ink, Hecate, Moss Puppy, The Levatio, Camas, Storyteller’s Refrain, Full House Literary, Subliminal.