Freshly Baked

Freshly Baked

lavender lime literary
imbolc 2023

Watercolor painting of a black woman in the nude. Her head is a braided loaf of bread, and she's kneading dough at a green table with a rolling pin and a cloud of flour around her hands.


CW content warning

Lavender Lime Literary is a trauma-informed publication that frequently features sex-positive content and erotica. Click here to learn more about what being trauma-informed means to us.  Content and trigger warnings are posted with all pieces that require them.  Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Come knead the heat baked inside. Let your artistry rise. Get your hands dirty and feed your hunger. We are, Freshly Baked.

lavender lime literary
Freshly Baked

Imbolc 2023

Photo by feinschliff on Unsplash