Content warning for mentions of organized religions.
When grazing soft cartilage
with razor sharp nails,
proceed with caution
and touch the Sacrament gently.
They say that if you’re sin free
you can take the Lord’s body
in your mouth and feel it
melt into the rest of you.
When I lean into his flesh
and feel blood rush to my face
(and we are both panting and
out of breath and sweating with sin—)
that’s when I feel the purest form of love.
And if the Lord is angry
that I have taken more than His body,
His I will forfeit; the flesh and blood saint I’ll keep worshipping.
Heidi Miranda is a Mexican poet and literature student. Her poems appear in numerous online and in print journals. She can be found on Instagram sharing original photography and quotes from her favorite poets. In her free time she enjoys learning languages, taking landscape photography, reading prose and poetry, and collecting stationary.